Interview with projekt:a
Angielska wersja starego wywiadu z zespołem project:a z Rosji. Wywiad przeprowadzono bodaj jeszcze w roku 2006, od tego czasu zespół wydał album w polskim net-labelu Kaos-Ex-Machina.

First of all, tell us fundamental things about project:a - where are you from, how many people are engaged and what equipment you use to make sound?
- we all are from syktyvkar, north-west of russia. there are 3 permanent musicians in project:a namely yuri kabantsev, savva & sergey "the terentyev brothers". on our future release you will find much more participants as we are going to record many different instruments live, without using much samplers & synthesizers. we'll probably need about 7-9 people to record everything we have on the agenda. on the demo we used guitars, drums, vocal & midi – that’s all. if you're interested in the noise & ambient parts we'll tell you. the noise parts were written & recorded with the help of a vst midi instrument arturia cs-80v - really a perfect instrument to make noise if you have no live analogue keyboard. the third, ambient track was made with the help of a different synth. all the of the effects were played on a guitar but with heavy effect treatment.

How do you describe your style or genre? When - and why - did you start to listen that kind of music?
one can think it's a folk-inspired record, another - a noise-inspired, and the third might say it's an ambient record. it's really hard to define especially for us - the creators. sure, you meet much more such kind of a stuff, so how would you describe it? the time when we made the same kind of music as we listened to has already passed, you know. when savva & sergey were all into black metal - they made black metal. when yuri was al into doom metal - he made doom metal. but that was a long time ago and we're no more interested in repeating bands we once liked.. you can find some more information in the english part of our web-site.

Your main inspirations - I mean your favorite bands or composers...
- norsk arisk black metal & metal on the whole, kristoffer rygg, anathema, william blake, edgar allan poe, jazz, peter gabriel, tom waits, harold budd, david sylvian, j.r.r. tolkien, beowulf, european folk-tales, david tibet, mannfred eicher & ecm, pantera, åквариум & boris grebenshikov, leonid fedorov, egor letov & grazhdanskaya oborona, the cure, nils petter molvær, mussorgsky, ravel, dead can dance, amon tobin, some idm...

Spirituality, ritual, tradition, maybe religion - do you think that we can find such things in your music? Do you spread any metaphysical or philosophical message?
- i don't think one can find such things in our music because it is not at all an instrument of propaganda. still all these things do inspire in the process of creating sound.

Interview with projekt:a
Ciąg dalszy...

Are you active in any other bands or projects?

- our drummer is the most active one. he has an experience of exploring jazz music, so he is a good musician in many styles. his main project now is the s.t.yx - an excellent thrash metal band. savva & yuri work mainly on project:a but both of them think of solo projects.

Do you know people from russian dark ambient/neofolk/military scene?
- not much. we keep in touch with yaroslawl distro/record-label ufa-muzak and i know some people whom they publish: ryr, бункер, pugna among them.

Tell us about your first material. Did you meet with positive opinions and interest?
- yes we recieved positive replies. as much as it deserves actually. best of all we like when people show us both merits & flaws in the work we do. you know, know as we know visualize & hear our next record, the demo doesn't seem that great as it seemed when just recorded. we'll always try to find new forms of expression.

Something about your plans for future.
- we want to make a record of a very high quality - both musically & in sound. and it’s not that easy at all. also one of the main problems is that we don't have a suitable studio in the area - just people with the equipment. so, once a quarter we organize record sections - gather everything in one place & several bands hurry to record a bunch of stuff in the shortest possible time. now, we are going to start the recording in the middle of february. it will probably take us a couple of weeks to record all the stuff. then a couple of weeks to put it all together. probably it will be available in the middle or end of march. our web-site is under reconstruction now, but we think it will soon be done, so you can check the latest news there.

...and the last words for our readers from Poland!
- listen more music. try to develop first-class musicians in your own selves & invent new ways of expression on the hard, closely thorned way. good luck.