Jesteś tutaj: Organizacja » Organization of Polish Monarchists
The Organization of Polish Monarchists was founded on November, 16 1989 in Wrocław. Its President since the foundation has been Adrian Nikiel. The vice president is Przemysław Olszewski. We fight for the creation of Great Poland — a Catholic State of the Polish Nation. We are located on the right-wing of the monarchist movement in Poland. It unites people who don't accept democratic regimes. Our goals are the creation of the structures of the conservative and national right, which would unite members of right-wing political parties. We are open for cooperation with all circles of the authentic Right. We also set out to promote ideological values and active participation in political life.
Since May 1992 the Organization has edited a magazine entitled „Rojalista — Pro Patria”, dedicated to monarchism, traditional Catholicism, laissez-faire economics, history and culture.
The Organization's ideological principles and conservative values are: Religion, Ethics, Tradition and Authority. We are one of those movements, like Legitimism in France, Jacobitism on the British Isles, the Neo-Bourbon Movement in Naples, Carlism in Spains, Miguelism in Portugal, which reject the demoliberal-socialist system, and strive to build the Catholic order, and restore the Ancien Régime.
We believe that a man may lead another man only as a divine mandate, which exists in a dynastic monarchy, where power always goes to the firstborn son. We do not follow any of the monarchy, but only based on the Law of God: a Catholic, Hierarchical, Decentralized, Antiparliamentary and Antidemocratic monarchy.
We identify with the movement of Catholic Tradition.
The Organization doesn't propose any pretender for the Polish crown, but we want to support legitimist groups all over the world. We oppose the subjection of Poland to the European Union. OPM fights against the idea of a freemasonic Civitas Mundi. The State should limit itself to international politics, defense, justice and monetary policy.
We are open to all forms of cooperation. Our contact information.
We are the power of Great Poland!
We must be good Christian examples of the living faith, and by our virtues show why Monarchy and Christianity are sovereign to „democracy” and „humanism”. These systems are founded in the lies of „man saving man”, and the lies of the French revolution. They are not made to serve the people, as many sadly believe, but only to serve the masons in their quest for world dominion. Democracy is founded on a lie, and can therefore never become true!